上网,搜了些我不知道的常识,觉得很有趣 =) 1.原来poker cards的四个花纹代表着四个不同的王 Spades-King David (King of Israel) Clubs-Alexander the Great (King of Greece) Hearts- the French King Charlemagne Diamonds- Roman Caesar Augustus/Julius 2.原来头被砍掉过后人还可以保持清醒8秒 =O 3.很多Lipstick里面都有鱼鳞成分 (Fish Scales....) 4.打喷嚏勉强开眼睛眼睛会飞出来... 5.用醋可以杀死Scorpian! 6."i" 上面的dot叫title 7.没有加colouring的Coca-Cola是青色的.... 8.Some worms will eat themselves if they can't find any food! 食自己! 9.Owls are the only birds who can see the colour blue 原来鸟是看不到蓝色的...蓝蓝的天酱美它们看不到....... 10.A man named Charles Osborne had the hiccups for 69 years! Hiccup 一天不停我就很想撞墙了咯 >. 11.An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain 以后骂人家脑很小可以骂他死驼鸟 x) 知道来爽而已.......