
Showing posts from December, 2015


在深夜念书的我 , 听着圣诞歌, 看着圣诞歌的歌词 好想好想跟朋友们聚在一起,  开个圣诞趴狂欢一下, 可惜大学的考试偏偏就爱设在圣诞节前后,  应该很难才能实现吧 我幻想中的圣诞趴, 是大家约好一起穿上红红绿绿的衣服,  戴着圣诞帽, 和麋鹿头饰, 一起来到一个布置地很漂亮的屋子, 有圣诞树, 有闪闪亮亮的灯饰,窗口上挂着圣诞圈圈, 灯光调得橙橙地, 很浪漫的Fu, 屋里播着节庆与温馨温馨的圣诞歌, 还要把屋里的冷气调得最低最低, 有点微冬天的感觉, 还要有Helium气球布置布置 (呵呵呵呵呵, 还想把Mistletoe挂多多做陷阱 , 把情侣骗过去 ) 然后大家就可以一起, 聊聊天, 喝点小红酒,  然后, 主人家就当然要准备些食物给大家, 大家都有姜饼人哟,  每个姜饼人都很特别地写上了每个人的名字,  还要准备烤鸡哟, Cheese Macaroni, Lasagna, 加点 Grilled Salmon 怎么样? Yumyumyumm Chocolate Fondue,Red Velvet Cake 和 Marshmallow 当甜点,  还要有多多口味的冰淇淋, 一定要有Green Tea 的哟 , 特别的特别的, 还要买柠檬味的,  巧克力, 草莓, 蓝莓, Oreo味任君选择 准备点香蕉, 给喜欢吃的人做个香蕉船, 想喝果汁, Milk Shake的Ok, Blender, 牛奶和新鲜水果都准备好咯 吃完过后, 大家就来玩Standard的True or Dare吧, 恶整一下在场的男男女女, 哈哈哈 最后, 大家就一起跳舞吧, 会跳不会跳, 都无所谓,  随意跟着音乐摆动,  有双人漫舞那种, 情侣就享受这个浪漫的时光吧,  单身的就自己High自己的, 科科, 跟圣诞树跳舞也不错, Hmmm. 还要一个小舞台, 上面有Guitar, Keyboards and Mic 给那些音乐才子上台秀一秀  跳完舞后, 来个交换礼物环节,  礼...

Frustration of Not Being Able to Bite.

I'm hungry now, So Hungry!! Especially hungry when I've got to study And I need to chew on something. But the problem is I can't I can't chew. Urghhhhh Haihh. Have been surviving on kuey teow, porridge, banana, oatmeal and fish for more than a week already. The thing is I dont feel satisfied when i just swallow them into my stomach. Basically, jus gulp and gulp and gulp. How many days more that I have to survive like this... I miss the feeling of chewing meat and rice, or maybe just a toast or a bread. Mama, this is the toughest period of wearing braces. Tired of talking, tired of eating But the appetite is still there. .___________________. #Steaks and Tough Food #Ciao #TillIcanbiteyouagain